Thank you for contacting us about IBM e-B2B solutions. Now we'd like to help you learn even more about the revolutionary new world of information technology and e-business. We're pleased to offer you a free download copy of the Palm-based eBook Unleashing theIdeavirus, by Seth Godin, published by Do You Zoom, Inc. In the book, Godin, founder of Yoyodyne and former Vice-President of Direct Marketing for Yahoo, takes a look at the powerful role of viral marketing in corporate strategy and how it is affecting the development of Internet marketing campaigns.
Whether reading for business or pleasure, the Peanut Reader provides owners of Palm[tm] organizers with the most convenient way to transport their reading materials -- the equivalent of up to twenty full-length novels on a Palm[tm] with 8 Megabytes of storage. In addition to providing an easy-to-use yet highly versatile reading application for your Palm [tm],'s online eBookstore offers nearly 1,500 high-quality eBook titles. will help lighten your load and put your critical information where you need it most -- your pocket. Discover the benefits of Palm-based eBooks, starting with your free copy of Unleashing theIdeavirus.
How to download your book
Before you begin you should make sure that you have your Palm Desktop application installed and have performed at least one HotSync to back up your data. You will need to have:
610K of free memory available on your Palm handheld
a copy of the Peanut Reader application installed on your Palm handheld
If you do not have a copy of Peanut Reader you can download one by clicking on the Download Peanut Reader button below.
If you do not own a Palm handheld, you will not be able to read this free book. However, you can save the file to your desktop computer in case you acquire a Palm handheld in the future.
To begin downloading the book:
1. Click on the Begin Download Now Button. If you do not have the Palm Desktop software installed, you will see a prompt asking which application you would like to use to open this file. Choose the "Save File" option and store the file in a place where you can find it later.
2. If you have the Palm Desktop installed, you will see a File Download dialog box asking if you want to "Open this file from its current location" or "Save this file to disk". Click on the Open option and then click "Okay". The file will begin to download.
3. As soon as the download is complete you will see the Install Tool dialog box which should show the user name you have set up for your Palm. Click the Okay button.
4. Next you will see another Install Tool dialog listing the file "unleashingtheideavir-9910[1].pdb" with a file size of 603K. Click Done, insert your handheld into the Palm cradle and press the HotSync button. The book will be installed on your Palm.
You can use the same instructions to install Peanut Reader except the file name you will see in step 4 is Peanut Reader.prc and the file size will be 119KB.
If you need help installing your book or Peanut Reader application you can send email to
Additional information on how to turn your new Palm IIIc[tm]
into a versatile eBook reader.
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